Oct 22

This post was written in 2009, please read this stack on why eval is always a bad idea:

Usually when I need to call a JavaScript function using a string I use:

function myUsefulFunction() { //useful code }
var foo = 'myUsefulFunction();';

However a more elegant approach would be to use:

function myUsefulFunction() { //useful code }

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Oct 11

Despite the rumours LINQ to SQL is fully supported in .NET 4.0, it has even been improved including better mockability, link below has more details .  Good news for all the early adopters you don’t have to redevelop all your LINQ to SQL apps to entities, just to be supported by Micro$oft.


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Sep 12

I am currently converting a lot of  legacy ASP.NET Web Sites over to ASP.NET Web Application Projects.  The reason for doing this is so I can make my NUnit Test project reference my Web Application Project.  There are various discussions about ASP.NET: Web Site vs. Web Application, but for me it was solely for testability purposes.

In Visual Studio 2008, the process to convert a Web site over to a Web Application project is relatively painless: Continue reading »

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