Mar 02

Last month I tweeted about a blog post I found interesting:

I thought it was really cool that you could use Razor Components in existing ASP.NET Razor Pages (which is what you build Blazor apps with). I think Razor Pages are one of the easiest ways to develop a web app using ASP.NET Core. Also some things such as authentication are still better served by a ‘traditional web app’ – for example Razor Pages is the default for ASP.NET Identity.

This is why I was glad that this functionality was added to ASP.NET 3.0 Razor Pages and MVC Views, it means a modern alternative to view components and partial views. It also gets you familiar with Razor Components which are the building blocks of a Blazor App.


I have created a nuget package that means in Razor Pages you can use your Razor Components like this:

<hello-world message='$"Hello World {DateTime.Now}"' />

Instead of like this:

<component type="typeof(HelloWorld)" render-mode="Static" param-message='$"Hello World {DateTime.Now}"' />

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